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Blog: New Look!

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As promised yesterday, we've got a NEW LOOK for the webpage - hope you like it! It's meant to be a bit quicker to load up, a bit clearer to look at, and a bit like the cover of the EXCITING NEW SINGLE.

Talking of which - the EXCITING NEW SINGLE is available to buy from us RIGHT NOW!. It's officially released on Monday next, but you can order it directly from us and I'll post them off as soon as they're ordered. I've also updated the SPECIAL OFFERS pages, with some new BARGAINS, in case you fancy getting some EXTRA Validator Action in your life!

And while we're on the hard sell - if you don't fancy using Paypal you can also buy the single via Amazon (as you can with quite a lot of our stuff now) or, for the INSANELY FUTURISTIC among us, even on iTunes. You can also have a LISTEN to some of the tracks over on our MYSPACE page!

Hopefully that will answer the NEEDS of anyone wanting out stuff, and I'll stop the AGRESSIVE CAPITALISM now, before Alan Sugar gets on the phone AGANE demanding my advice...

posted 24/4/2007 by MJ Hibbett

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