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Blog: It's Album Of The Day Day!

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I'm up at KRAZY O'CLOCK (well, 7am, but HEY! I work for a University!) so's I can commence listening to 6Music where - did I mention this? - our new record Regardez, Ecoutez Et Repetez is the 6Music Album Of The Day.

As you might expect i am DEAD EXCITED about it - in theory this means that FOUR of our songs will be played throughout the day, and I'm going to try and be listening when it happens. I wonder which ones they'll choose? As stated: EXCITEMENT!

I'm hoping that being played so often will send a few people over to these pages to find out about us, so if that's you - WELCOME! There's LOADS of stuff here, including YEARS of blog stuff, lyrics to all the songs, articles, GIGS, a newsletter, and all SORTS of ways to follow us across the interweb. Hope you like it!

posted 14/5/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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Wonder if Steve Lamacq will play "My Boss Was In An Indie Band Once?" because of the mention of him in the lyrics? ;)
posted 14/5/2009 by Warren

Woohoo! George Lamb's just played "Do The Indie Kid". Almost at the end of the show, but it's there! :)
posted 14/5/2009 by Warren

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