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Blog: All I Want For Christmas Is A Webpage Update

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I had rather an EXCITING email on Friday from Mr D Bayliss saying basically "I know this is a ludicrous long shot, but do you happen to have a Christmas Song that could be used on a single? Which you could email me today?"

AHA! As IMMENSE GOOD FORTUNE would have it i DID have such a thing, and sent it off to him full of GLEE. A Christmas Single! HOOPLA!

I then got a much less JOYFUL email on Monday telling me that there'd been an ERROR along the way and it'd got pressed WITHOUT my song on it. Now, yes yes, I am sure there are some NODDING WRYLY, perhaps even SMIRKING, but from the amount of WOE, APOLOGIES and WAILING that has gone on since I am sure that really IS what happened, to the upset of all concerned. A 7" vinyl single that i DIDN'T pay for and DON'T have in massive piles in my spare room! IMAGINE!

Still, it's not all DOOM as they're still going to use it on the DOWNLOAD version and promo CDs, and so i can STILL go ahead with my plan to do a VIDEO of it. OH! And WHAT a plan that is - thinking about it this morning on the way to work I was visited by perhaps THE GRATEST IDEA: EVER of how I could DO such a video. It's BRILL - I won't go into here, now, as I'll probably be doing a mid-month MAILOUT about it, as the idea involves getting loads and loads of other people to do stuff for it. Stand by your inboxes for details in a week or so!

The song concerned, by the way, is I Got You What You Want For Christmas. I realised the other day when thinking about all this that I'd never got around to doing a proper lyrics page for it, so have done so now, and in a FRENZY of excitement have ALSO done them for a numbe of other songs. I'd got a bit behind with it, but I think we're pretty much up to speed, so now there's pages for Everybody Let's Get Together, HOO HAR! (both of those with links to the adverts I tried to write them for), a new song called Full Power To The Forward Thrusters and, because I'd forgotten to do it, the title song to Regardez, Ecoutez Et Repetez. PHEW! That was a LOT of typing!

posted 3/11/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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