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Blog: Another Visit To The Comedy

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Last night Mr S Hewitt came round to The Rehearsal Studio (hem hem) to continue our EXTREME DILIGENCE in readying Moon Horse for public consumption. It was an EXCELLENT practice, not even SLIGHTLY marred by the fact that SOMEONE forgot to bring the guitar with him. It's not important who it was, and anyway, he'd been harrassed all day by PRINTERS trying to get them to JUST BLOODY PRINT the flyers for Edinburgh. PRINTERS! If they're not being PERNICKETY about CMYK and RGB they're being BLOODY MINDED about BLEEDS. Would it not save them YEARS of man-hours if they just invented a machine that PRINTED WHAT YOU TOLD IT TO, rather than having to mess around with all sorts of nonsense just in case it didn't? Has 561 years of development not got THAT far yet?

ANYWAY, with our rehearsing done we retired to the PUB, where we were joined by The Ink In My Inkjet and, after a delightful CONFLAB, we bade farewell to Steve and HOPPED into a taxi (GLAMOUR!) to head off to see a comedy night at The Kings Place, a new SUPER SWANKY venue just behind Kings Cross. It was POSHALICIOUS - it reminded me of The Barbican Centre, with all the rooms and that, but very much a 21st Century version, like a HOTEL rather than a CAR PARK.

Actually, maybe that's the main change in public buildings between the 70s and now - they USED to build them to look as much like car parks as POSSIBLE, now everything looks like a HOTEL. Can i have PhD now please?

We were there to see Jim'll's Brain, who we hadn't seen for AGES - we later discovered he had taken a year OFF to move house and to re-appraise his ACT. The most visible change was some SPARKLY TROUSERS, otherwise he was as GRATE as ever. My favourite part was when, having done three FUNNY songs, he finished with a stark honest song about mental breakdown. It was AMAZING - even the Incredibly Annoying Woman Who Shrieked At EVERYTHING shut up by the end, and yet he did it with such JOY and CHARM everyone loved him all the more for it. ACE!

Some of the rest of the evening was not QUITE as ACE - but we shall draw a VEIL for politeness sake, except perhaps to say what IS it with comedians and people's jobs? They are OBSESSED with what people do for a living - nearly EVERY comedy gig i have EVER been to has involved at LEAST one act asking people in the audience what jobs they do. WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW? Also: WHO CARES? I thought I was going to a COMEDY GIG not a JOB FAIR. The compere asked ME this time and it was all perfectly amicable and everything but REALLY - who gives a toss? I can't help thinking that there must be a BETTER way to start an evening of comedy than an uncomfortable 10-15 minutes checking how many people in the room work with computers. Some JOKES maybe?

Apologies to anybody who has ever spoken to me before, after or during a comedy night, i am aware that i SAY this all the time, but that is because it HAPPENS all the time. SO ANYWAY the rest of the night was a bit of a mixed bag but one BLOODY EXCELLENT thing that happened was that i FINALLY got to see Kunt And The Gang in the LIVE ARENA. I've known OF him for YEARS, via B3ta and especially Kooba Radio, but have always been a bit SNIFFY. "Oh, it's just someone being rude and outrageous for the sake of it, not my cup of tea at all" i would think, but OH HOW WRONG I WAS. I mean, he WAS very rude and "outrageous", but he did it in such a delightful, friendly way, he just came across as LOVELY. When someone's singing about assisted suicide for their grandmother and you're thinking "He seems like a nice chap" he is obviously doing SOMETHING right, tho I'm not sure what it is. We LARFED a GRATE deal, and now I just feel sorry for the years of not finding out how HILARIOUS he was.

So yes, all in all a pretty good night out - and pretty much the POSHEST feeling gig i have ever been to! Well done everybody, well done!

posted 15/4/2011 by MJ Hibbett

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