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Blog: Farewell, University Of Space

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A few years ago I started getting emails asking me to join a LinkedIn. "Bloody heck", i thought, "Another social media site? I Cannot Be Bothered." So I didn't.

Then a few more came in and, eventually, one bored afternoon, I thought it would probably be easier to say "ALL RIGHT" to the various emails and create myself a profile. I couldn't really see the point and so set my profession as "ASTRONAUT" and my workplace as "The University Of Space". Such larks!

Imagine my surprise, then, when I pressed "SAVE" and instantly got a web page saying "Here are some colleagues you may know at The University Of Space"! HOOPLA!

Anyway, a couple of years later and I find myself in the position of finally maybe Seeing The Point of LinkedIn. It's like Social Networking, but for people who work in a Freelance-ish manner, is that right? As I've mentioned before, there's a strong possibility that, after nearly 20 years of working on temporary contracts for Universities THIS temporary contract might actually END in March, without a new one to go on to, so I am considering the possibility of MAYBE trying to do some of this music/writing stuff FOR MONEY.

Imagine that! MONEY! for SONGS! That's ... well, that's Freelancing isn't it? And so, today, with a sense of slight regret, I have EDITED my Linkedin page to the slightly LESS exciting settings of the TRUTH, and have had to resign my position at The University Of Space. I feel a bit sad about this, but have been cheered up by the fact that I can now SHOW OFF all over again by badgering people to be my Social Network Frie... sorry, CONTACTS. HOOPLA AGANE!

It also turns out I know LOADS of people who do Freelance Fun for CA$H, so maybe it's NOT such a daft idea as I am almost constantly convinced that it is? I know that I'll probably end up chickening out and trying to get another University job, but for the moment I am enjoying the tantalising prospect that, though a KRAZY PLAN, it might - might - just work!

posted 7/7/2011 by MJ Hibbett

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