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Blog: Ego The Living Planet

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Usually when there's a film made about ROCK there'll be a character who is a RIDICULOUS PARODY of a ROCK STAR - preening, egotistic, prone to sudden mood swings. Surely nobody could exist like that in real life, the innocent observer might ask?

Innocent Observer: you don't know the HALF of it! Those of us who get into, and remain within, The Krazy World Of ROCK do so for various reasons - some people might try to tell you it's because we like MUSIC and ART, but really it's so we can TALK TO GURLS, have an excuse to go to the PUB a lot, and MOSTLY it's because we are SUPER-NEEDY and see it as a way of getting VALIDATION.

I am, it has to be said, no exception to ANY of this, and I am being made especially aware of this last item at the moment, as I frantically SELF-GOOGLE in the hope of finding REVIEWS. As I've said before, I'm currently at the WORST stage of the entire album production CYCLE as, after years MAKING the album and then sending it out to people, all I can do now is sit and WAIT to see if anyone likes it. It's a HORRIBLE bit and for the past few days there has been a light dusting of FEAR coating my PSYCHE, as the continuing non-appearance of much of ANY reaction, good OR bad, is starting to make me think that after all THIS it's going to be IGNORED.

I would of course SOLDIER ON BRAVELY if that DID happen - there's a whole lot of OTHER stuff coming up, after all - but, on balance, I think I'd be happier if it DID get praised to the skies and LAUDED globally. On balance.

So yes, I was sat in MILD PANIC about it when LO! a fresh googling did bring me a review! At last! And it's a GOOD ONE too!

Suddenly shafts of light did gleam through the window, and in the distance a LARK sang! Somebody had LISTENED to it! And LIKED IT! HOORAH! Ring the bells, let loose the doves and order up a batch of COMMEMORATIVE MUGS, maybe we SHALL go to the ball!!!

I am EXTRAORDINARILY aware of how this makes me look, but I'm also aware that there is a DARK DAY approaching when we get a pissy review saying EITHER they don't get it OR it's a load of stupid rubbish, and on THAT day all will turn to ASHES and children will be forbidden from going outside lest WOE befall them. It is for this reason that I fully intend to enjoy THIS bit!

In summary then, next time you see Richard E Grant (it's often him) or similar actor flouncing around making DEMANDS and CAREERING between mood swings, don't think "What a load of old nonsense!" but rather "Poor thing, next time i see such a person in real life i shall HUG him and tell him he's ACE." We'd all like that!

posted 19/1/2012 by MJ Hibbett

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