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Blog: Happy End Of The Year!

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Morning all - sorry about the lack of updates, if you've been looking. I've been busily recording DEMO versions of a big pile of new songs - it's been AGES since I've done this sort of thing, and I'm particularly enjoying getting to play BASS again. BASS, it is ACE!

There's a few NUGGETS of ROCK NEWS been happening over the lovely festive period - for some reason people have been asking me QUESTIONS. There's the Playlouder questionnaire which, hopefully, will be online soon (15 other more important people's have gone up so far...), for instance, and I'm also slowly working through a set of questions sent by Ray, Grand Promoter Of Winchester, for his new fanzine. Even MORE fun (for me anyway), the other day Mr Joni Firebrand rang me for a "quick chat" to do a "brief" interview for the Sorted Records website. Me being me I WAFFLED ON for well over an hour, and it was ACE, especially when Joni kept asking about all the bands I was in in the mid-90's. My goodness, I had PLUM FORGOT that I had been so ridiculously busy - I was in The Council, playing bass in The K-Stars and in the Gay Irish Folk Band, recording my own tapes of my own stuff, trying to run the first Artists Against Success Club Nights, doing Cha Cha 2000, AND gearing up for the History Of The World Uber-Musical. No wonder I (hem hem) "didn't have time" to have a girlfriend. EVER.

And let's not forget, Digital People Of The 21st Century, tomorrow at about 3pm is the BIG MOMENT for ROCK when me and a select band of Nervous Pals are on Steve Lamacq's show. It's on Radio 6, and the show itself begins at 1pm, but we've been told our bit's on in the middle somewhere. It sounded ACE on the night we did it, hopefully it still will. There's some pictures of it in the revamped gallery, by the way, along with LOADS of other new pictures.

So that's the NEWS at the end of this year. It's been a BLOODY FANTASTIC year of ROCK for us, the best EVER I reckon, so thanks very VERY much to everyone who's been part of it and helped us, ESPECIALLY all the promoters and the radio, interweb and fanzine TYPES who've gone out of their way to be nice to us. It's REALLY been appreciated, after all this time, to feel like there's all you lovely people on our side.

Thanks very much everyone, and see you again IN THE FUTURE!

posted 31/12/2003 by MJ Hibbett

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