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Blog: What's Been Going On?

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It is with some ALARM that I note that I have been absent from blogging for several weeks without warning. Many apologies to all of you who have, I am sure, been BEREFT without the benefit of my updates, I can only hope there is a HOTLINE NUMBER for anybody feeling the pressure of not knowing what ART GALLERIES I have been swanning around in lately.

There isn't any real reason for this lack of FACT, except maybe that I've got a bit STUCK IN with WORK, and also some PhD stuff which has involved CODING PHP FORMS. This is a) terribly dull for most people but b) terribly exciting for me, so I do tend to get my nose into it and then emerge blinking into the light 12 hours later saying "I have used CSS to create rounded borders!" or somesuch.

That's not all I've been up to, OBVS. Since last we spoke I have been to a BEER FESTIVAL with Mr S Hewitt (it was DELICIOUS), seen Mr Matt Tiller do a gig (he was GRATE), had a currey with Mr P Myland (it was TASTY) and been to The British Museum with The Artworks In My Collection to see an exhibition (it was ACE, also BRIEF).

ROCK continues to bubble along very gently - we are currently on the brink of getting going with the SINGLES that are still planned for this year, and I hope to be able to reveal more about this by the time we play Mr A Hales Ten Years Of Showbiz gig in Nottingham next month (this is apparently very likely to sell out, by the way, so if you'd like tickets get in quick!). We've also got a VIDEO sorted, and I'm constantly watching Instructional YouTube Clips which, I have no doubt, will see us become the Spotify Sensations Of 2020. Just don't tell Tom From Myspace, he gets awfully jealous.

Hopefully I'll be back a bit sooner with more on all of the above, but in the meantime fear not, I shall be busy CODING!

posted 25/2/2020 by MJ Hibbett

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