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Blog: Oddly Proud To Be British

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Hearing about the Opinion Polls today, I find myself Oddly Proud To Be British. My brother's girlfriend is Australian, and ever since the Tories got that Spin Doctor in she's been giving us DIRE WARNINGS of the sort of campaign they were THUS going to run, and how well it worked in Australia. She very accurately predicted what they would do, with their lies about MRSA (whilst not mentioning that it was THEM who abolished matrons and privatised the cleaning) and especially the deliberate confusion of Immigration and Asylum in order to get the "Send The Back" votes without actually SAYING so.

For some reason we all seemed to think this would WORK. Like so many Vaguely Lefty types I always think that although I personally can see through their VILENESS and, for instance, actually REMEMBER what they did to the economy when they were in power, everybody else will be so self-centered and ignorant that they'll FALL for it. I seem to have expected the entire nation to say "He's RIGHT! We are SWAMPED by Gypsy Immigrants (who are all failed asylum seekers) with MRSA who WERE released from prison five minutes after murdering an old lady, and we can't do anything about it because of the level of Inheritance Tax! Let's VOTE!" It's not a very NICE way to view our fellow countrymen, and beautifully it seems to be an INCORRECT way too.

As far as i can gather, these methods simply aren't working, and although there's obviously a hardcore (let's call them the GITS shall we?) of people who WANT to believe this Daily Mail-esque FILTH, they're pretty much the hardcore constituency of the Conservatives anyway, and when actually invited to think about these issues the majority of the Great British Public will say "No, actually." The polls APPEAR to show that, actually, Michael Howard is REMINDING people why they hated the Tories in the first place, showing that there IS a difference between them and the other parties, and solidifying people's intentions to vote for them. This is ESPECIALLY GRATE in my view because, again, from what I can gather, people seem to be turning to the lovely Lib Dems instead.

It actually makes me swell with PRIDE to be British when this sort of thing happens, when we quietly show the DECENCY that's meant to be part of our national character that we so very rarely give ourselves credit for and which, hopefully, will turn it's collective back on Michael Howard and his nasty little thwarted rump of a party.

Fingers crossed anyway!

posted 17/4/2005 by MJ Hibbett

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