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Blog: Kernow HO!

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Wahey! I've just received news from Mr Pattison that we are now BOOKED to go and record the album in CORNWALL in August - it's actually going to HAPPEN! We've talked about this for AGES as A Good Idea, but I never really thought of is as a real thing, yet here we are BOOKED in for a week. The place we're staying is in the COUNTRY, and has GROUNDS and a POOL table and a nearby Offy and a PUB and somewhere to sleep and a BEACH and a kitchen and ... er... oh yeah, a couple of recording studios too. WAHEY! We are going to be LAYING DOWN SOME TRACKS IN THE COUNTRY!

The PLAN is to do as much recording as we can while we're there (we've got around ten songs LEARNT now, so we'll be busy!) and then finish off any remaining overdubs when we get back, and MIX it, as previously mentioned, at Frankie Machine MANSIONS. I am quite fine with THAT part of the plan, but it is still a bit of a struggle to force my MIND to accept the fact that, basically, we're all going on a summer holiday to Cornwall to do the recordings!

KER-ZANG! Fantastically we have ALL booked the week off within SECONDS of getting confirmation! LET'S GO!

posted 19/4/2005 by MJ Hibbett

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