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Blog: New Stuff

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Much excitement (in my MIND) at the moment about the number of new GIGS which have been coming in this week. As you may have noticed, I'm on a pretty hefty GIGS SCHEDULE this month (I'm doing nearly as many gigs in May as I did in the whole of 2002!) and tho that is obviously GRATE and FUN, it always gives me the FEAR when i see the GIGS STOCKPILE go down so rapidly. It's been quite a while since I had NO GIGS booked but it is still something that gives me THE FEAR, so it's GOOD to see I've got several months to go, at least, before i need to worry about it. PHEW. In fact (STATS ALERT!) by the halfway point of THIS year I'll have done ALMOST as many gigs as the whole of 2003, and more than in ANY full year before then. COR! INDEED, if things continue as they are, I'll be doing more gigs this year than ever before. You may ask "WHY?" and the answer is very simple: More people have asked me. COOL, isn't it?

And in other NEW THINGS NEWS, there's full lyrics in the songblog for "Better Things To Do", the new song I was on about the other day, as well as Annotations to go with it. These are also there for several other new songs, which I don't know if I've already mentioned or not. Go see, why don't you?

And finally: somebody has suggested to me that I put a FORUM on this site. I am in TWO MINDS about it. On the one hand, yes, it would be nice to have such a thing so that people who meet at GIGS can arrange to do so again (or who meet online can arrange to do so in PERSON), and also for cases like THIS when a Full and/or Frank discussion is required on issues RAISED. On the other hand, it seems a little pompous of me to HAVE such a thing (and as you know, i am TOO GRATE to be pompous) and will probably get swamped by EITHER Foolish Youths saying "You SUX, LAMR!" or "street team" nurs saying "Hey! There's a great new band playing tonight, anybody heard of them?" i.e. like all forums EVER. THUS i am CONFLICTED - if anybody's got any opinions on the matter, do let me know won't you?

posted 10/5/2005 by MJ Hibbett

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